Travel blog, tips, recommendations and suggestions about places, hotels, transports, tour operators and travel guides. Top destinations, Top Hotels & Resorts, Top Busses, What to do in which place and what should be avoided are explicitly described here in this page.

Top 10 Places to Visit in Bandarban

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Thanchi Road

Bandarban is the most beautiful place for the mountain lovers. There are endless arrays of mountains Rivers and roads pass through between this mountains which creates a mesmerizing scenery which would definitely blow your mind. You meet many indigenous people such as Chakma, Marma, Mru, Khiyang, Bawm, Pnar and many others are living in this… Continue reading Top 10 Places to Visit in Bandarban

Top 10 Places to Visit in Sylhet

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Natural Jacuzzi

Sylhet is a region in Bangladesh known for its natural beauty, tea estates, and cultural richness. Located near the Indian Meghalaya mountains. Sylhet is a place where you can enjoy the natural Jacuzzi, natural waterfalls and many other religious places. Here are ten top places we have enlisted for you to visit in the Sylhet… Continue reading Top 10 Places to Visit in Sylhet